We are spoilt for choice when it comes to where we can buy products – in-store, mobile, desktop, iPad and in some cases a press of a button placed in our cupboard (of course, that’s thanks to the Amazon Dash). According to Appticles ’85% of people say that mobile devices are a central part of their everyday life’ , but when it comes to entering your details and completing a purchase how do you really prefer to shop?
Do you find yourself browsing for products on you phone but ordering on desktop? You could consider point 2 on this Appticles article of 13 user behaviours – As it turns out, mobile users are generally on the hunt for specific information, while time consuming activities are usually reserved for the comfort of PCs.
Could this be the same for purchasing? You might look for the product on mobile to see prices and specs but when you go to make that purchase you flick back to desktop. It’s a case of personal preference and how comfortable we feel.
How do you prefer to shop?